Case Studies
Extract Systems
University College Dublin Science Park
Mach-Aire has designed and built the extract systems for the University College Dublin Science Park refurbishment.
The Problem
University College Dublin are currently redeveloping their Science Centre, to create a ‘transformational resource for Irish Science’. Mach-Aire was commissioned by the Mechanical Contractor, L Lynch & Co Ltd, to manufacture and install the extract systems for the initial phase of the redevelopment in 2012.
The Solution
This project has involved Mach-Aire designing, fabricating and GRP all ductwork, with a maximum cross section of 1.9m x 2m. The ducting then had to be delivered to site in Dublin and craned into position. The PVC ducting was required to run 58m along the full length of the building, the main header serves four floors of the university, including room extracts and fume cupboards (which have also been designed, built and installed by Mach-Aire).
After Care
The success of the project to date, and the high quality solution provided, has seen Mach-Aire being commissioned to fabricate and install the ductwork for the following phase of the project, which commenced in early 2013. This phase of ducting will run 24m along the length of the building with a maximum cross section of 3m x 1.5m.

Provided a bespoke ducting solution, over a building length of 58m.
Continuity provided over the two phases of the project.
A high quality solution to meet the client’s specifications.
A dedicated project engineer assigned to work on both phases of the project.
Carried out successful pressure testing on sections of the ductwork prior to delivery to site at -2500pa and +1200pa and were able to successfully pressure test the full run of ducting in situ at +900pa, as per the design specification.
It is unique to be able to successfully pressure test such a large run of ducting as one unit.
I found that the site construction team were very experienced with a “can do” attitude, which was very helpful in progressing the works
Brian Sterling, Director
L Lynch & Company Ltd